Monday, October 22, 2012

Why is my A4 print job coming out on 8.5 x 11? I have A4 paper loaded!

Problem: Every time I send a print job it comes out on 8.5 x 11" paper even when I tell it to use A4 or a specific tray to use.  This was happening to me specifically on a Xerox WorkCentre 7125 and MS Word 2010.

Resolution: Disable 'Scale content for A4 or 8.5 x 11" paper sizes' from the Advanced options in MS Word.

1. Open MS Word options
2. Under Advanced > Print, deselect 'Scale content for A4 or 8.5 x 11" paper sizes'

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HP ProCurve Port Monitoring

Below is a quick guide on how-to configure port monitoring on an HP ProCurve 3800 switch

Configure the mirror
This is the port you are going to attach your collector (Wireshark).

  • switch-core(config)# mirror 1 port e 17

Configure the port to monitor
This selects the port to monitor and tells it were to mirror it.  In this example we are monitoring eth-1 and mirroring it to mirror 1 which we define in the previous step.

  • switch-core(eth-1)# monitor all both mirror 1
Collect your packets
Start collecting your packets using an application like Wireshark - website

Tested on software revision  : KA.15.03.3004