Monday, December 31, 2012

How-to bulk delete Zendesk users


After successfully performing a bulk import into Zendesk....I needed to clear out all the accounts.  I had to run this process multiple times as it appears to only return a subset of the users that matched the criteria.

Create text file full of end-users

curl -v -u {email-address}:{password} https://{company}"end-user" > zd_end-users.txt

Python script to delete all users in a text file

import os
import json

json_data = open('zd_end-users.txt')
data = json.load(json_data)
for user in data['users']:
        os.system("curl -v -u {email-address}:{password} https://{company} -X DELETE" %user["id"])


Install Windows Server 2012 on vSphere 5

Issue: After the initial reboot when installing Windows Server 2012 the machine stalls with a blue windows and the spinning status balls.


How-to bulk import users from AD into Zendesk

How-to bulk import users from AD into Zendesk

PS Y:\> get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=employees,ou=accounts,dc=virtualrick,dc=com" -Properties OfficePhone | select Name, UserPrincipalName,OfficePhone | Export-csv c:\employees-accounts-virtualrick.com_2012-11-28.csv