Monday, December 31, 2012

How-to bulk delete Zendesk users


After successfully performing a bulk import into Zendesk....I needed to clear out all the accounts.  I had to run this process multiple times as it appears to only return a subset of the users that matched the criteria.

Create text file full of end-users

curl -v -u {email-address}:{password} https://{company}"end-user" > zd_end-users.txt

Python script to delete all users in a text file

import os
import json

json_data = open('zd_end-users.txt')
data = json.load(json_data)
for user in data['users']:
        os.system("curl -v -u {email-address}:{password} https://{company} -X DELETE" %user["id"])


Install Windows Server 2012 on vSphere 5

Issue: After the initial reboot when installing Windows Server 2012 the machine stalls with a blue windows and the spinning status balls.


How-to bulk import users from AD into Zendesk

How-to bulk import users from AD into Zendesk

PS Y:\> get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=employees,ou=accounts,dc=virtualrick,dc=com" -Properties OfficePhone | select Name, UserPrincipalName,OfficePhone | Export-csv c:\employees-accounts-virtualrick.com_2012-11-28.csv

Monday, October 22, 2012

Why is my A4 print job coming out on 8.5 x 11? I have A4 paper loaded!

Problem: Every time I send a print job it comes out on 8.5 x 11" paper even when I tell it to use A4 or a specific tray to use.  This was happening to me specifically on a Xerox WorkCentre 7125 and MS Word 2010.

Resolution: Disable 'Scale content for A4 or 8.5 x 11" paper sizes' from the Advanced options in MS Word.

1. Open MS Word options
2. Under Advanced > Print, deselect 'Scale content for A4 or 8.5 x 11" paper sizes'

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HP ProCurve Port Monitoring

Below is a quick guide on how-to configure port monitoring on an HP ProCurve 3800 switch

Configure the mirror
This is the port you are going to attach your collector (Wireshark).

  • switch-core(config)# mirror 1 port e 17

Configure the port to monitor
This selects the port to monitor and tells it were to mirror it.  In this example we are monitoring eth-1 and mirroring it to mirror 1 which we define in the previous step.

  • switch-core(eth-1)# monitor all both mirror 1
Collect your packets
Start collecting your packets using an application like Wireshark - website

Tested on software revision  : KA.15.03.3004 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

vRanger 5.5 Error 3201

After setting the permissions as per the vRanger 5.5 Installation Guide the backups were failing while using the non-admin account.

Error message: "Backup failed: An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists.  Error Message: 3201 - can't open [DATASTORE NAME]..."

Solution:  Currently I haven't identified the minimal permissions required, but I have determined that adding all privileges under "Virtual machine" > "Provisioning" enables the backups to perform successfully.

Monday, August 6, 2012

VCP5 Certified

Passed the VCP510 exam to update my VCP 4 to VCP 5 two weeks ago, today I received the confirmation e-mails along with the logos.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Enable IPv6 in Chrome

In order for internal websites to function over DirectAccess I had to enable IPv6 DNS in Chrome.  I found that a restart of my computer was required in order to successfully access IPv4 pages with acceptable load times.

Below are the steps:
  1. Open Chrome
  2. Browse to  chrome://net-internals/#dns
  3. Click the enable IPv6 button
  4. Attempt to browse to your site.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

DirectAccess Client Connectivity - Teredo state

I ran into an issue to where I was unable to get connected to my DirectAccess server due to an issue with my DA Client IPv6 settings.  It's important to note that the teredo interface state should be "qualified" when it's functioning properly.

The default client type was set to "client".  Once I changed this to "enterpriseclient" everything started working.

C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface teredo show state
Teredo Parameters
Type                    : client
Server Name             :    (Group Policy)
Client Refresh Interval : 30 seconds
Client Port             : unspecified
State                   : offline
Error                   : client is in a managed network

C:\Windows\system32>netsh int ter set state enterpriseclient

C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface teredo show state
Teredo Parameters
Type                    : enterpriseclient
Server Name             : (Group Policy)
Client Refresh Interval : 30 seconds
Client Port             : unspecified
State                   : qualified
Client Type             : teredo client
Network                 : managed
NAT                     : restricted
NAT Special Behaviour   : UPNP: No, PortPreserving: Yes
Local Mapping           : :60432
External NAT Mapping    : :60432

This can be configured via GPO.
